Source code for openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.messagelistener

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# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection                                      #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright (c) 2008-2017 OpenLP Developers                                   #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it     #
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free  #
# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.                              #
#                                                                             #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or       #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for    #
# more details.                                                               #
#                                                                             #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along     #
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59  #
# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA                          #

import logging
import copy
import os

from PyQt5 import QtCore

from openlp.core.common import Registry, Settings
from openlp.core.ui import HideMode
from openlp.core.lib import ServiceItemContext
from openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.pdfcontroller import PDF_CONTROLLER_FILETYPES

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Controller(object): """ This is the Presentation listener who acts on events from the slide controller and passes the messages on the the correct presentation handlers. """'Controller loaded') def __init__(self, live): """ Constructor """ self.is_live = live self.doc = None self.hide_mode = None'{name} controller loaded'.format(name=live))
[docs] def add_handler(self, controller, file, hide_mode, slide_no): """ Add a handler, which is an instance of a presentation and slidecontroller combination. If the slidecontroller has a display then load the presentation. """ log.debug('Live = {live}, add_handler {handler}'.format(live=self.is_live, handler=file)) self.controller = controller if self.doc is not None: self.shutdown() self.doc = self.controller.add_document(file) if not self.doc.load_presentation(): # Display error message to user # Inform slidecontroller that the action failed? self.doc.slidenumber = 0 return self.doc.slidenumber = slide_no self.hide_mode = hide_mode log.debug('add_handler, slide_number: {slide:d}'.format(slide=slide_no)) if self.is_live: if hide_mode == HideMode.Screen: Registry().execute('live_display_hide', HideMode.Screen) self.stop() elif hide_mode == HideMode.Theme: self.blank(hide_mode) elif hide_mode == HideMode.Blank: self.blank(hide_mode) else: self.doc.start_presentation() Registry().execute('live_display_hide', HideMode.Screen) self.doc.slidenumber = 1 if slide_no > 1: self.slide(slide_no)
[docs] def activate(self): """ Active the presentation, and show it on the screen. Use the last slide number. """ log.debug('Live = {live}, activate'.format(live=self.is_live)) if not self.doc: return False if self.doc.is_active(): return True if not self.doc.is_loaded(): if not self.doc.load_presentation(): log.warning('Failed to activate {path}'.format(path=self.doc.file_path)) return False if self.is_live: self.doc.start_presentation() if self.doc.slidenumber > 1: if self.doc.slidenumber > self.doc.get_slide_count(): self.doc.slidenumber = self.doc.get_slide_count() self.doc.goto_slide(self.doc.slidenumber) if self.doc.is_active(): return True else: log.warning('Failed to activate {path}'.format(path=self.doc.file_path)) return False
[docs] def slide(self, slide): """ Go to a specific slide """ log.debug('Live = {live}, slide'.format(live=self.is_live)) if not self.doc: return if not self.is_live: return if self.hide_mode: self.doc.slidenumber = int(slide) + 1 self.poll() return if not self.activate(): return self.doc.goto_slide(int(slide) + 1) self.poll()
[docs] def first(self): """ Based on the handler passed at startup triggers the first slide. """ log.debug('Live = {live}, first'.format(live=self.is_live)) if not self.doc: return if not self.is_live: return if self.hide_mode: self.doc.slidenumber = 1 self.poll() return if not self.activate(): return self.doc.start_presentation() self.poll()
[docs] def last(self): """ Based on the handler passed at startup triggers the last slide. """ log.debug('Live = {live}, last'.format(live=self.is_live)) if not self.doc: return if not self.is_live: return if self.hide_mode: self.doc.slidenumber = self.doc.get_slide_count() self.poll() return if not self.activate(): return self.doc.goto_slide(self.doc.get_slide_count()) self.poll()
[docs] def next(self): """ Based on the handler passed at startup triggers the next slide event. """ log.debug('Live = {live}, next'.format(live=self.is_live)) if not self.doc: return if not self.is_live: return if self.hide_mode: if not self.doc.is_active(): return if self.doc.slidenumber < self.doc.get_slide_count(): self.doc.slidenumber += 1 self.poll() return if not self.activate(): return # The "End of slideshow" screen is after the last slide. Note, we can't just stop on the last slide, since it # may contain animations that need to be stepped through. if self.doc.slidenumber > self.doc.get_slide_count(): return self.doc.next_step() self.poll()
[docs] def previous(self): """ Based on the handler passed at startup triggers the previous slide event. """ log.debug('Live = {live}, previous'.formta(live=self.is_live)) if not self.doc: return if not self.is_live: return if self.hide_mode: if not self.doc.is_active(): return if self.doc.slidenumber > 1: self.doc.slidenumber -= 1 self.poll() return if not self.activate(): return self.doc.previous_step() self.poll()
[docs] def shutdown(self): """ Based on the handler passed at startup triggers slide show to shut down. """ log.debug('Live = {live}, shutdown'.format(live=self.is_live)) if not self.doc: return self.doc.close_presentation() self.doc = None
[docs] def blank(self, hide_mode): """ Instruct the controller to blank the presentation. """ log.debug('Live = {live}, blank'.format(live=self.is_live)) self.hide_mode = hide_mode if not self.doc: return if not self.is_live: return if hide_mode == HideMode.Theme: if not self.doc.is_loaded(): return if not self.doc.is_active(): return Registry().execute('live_display_hide', HideMode.Theme) elif hide_mode == HideMode.Blank: if not self.activate(): return self.doc.blank_screen()
[docs] def stop(self): """ Instruct the controller to stop and hide the presentation. """ log.debug('Live = {live}, stop'.format(live=self.is_live)) # The document has not been loaded yet, so don't do anything. This can happen when going live with a # presentation while blanked to desktop. if not self.doc: return # Save the current slide number to be able to return to this slide if the presentation is activated again. if self.doc.is_active(): self.doc.slidenumber = self.doc.get_slide_number() self.hide_mode = HideMode.Screen if not self.doc: return if not self.is_live: return if not self.doc.is_loaded(): return if not self.doc.is_active(): return self.doc.stop_presentation()
[docs] def unblank(self): """ Instruct the controller to unblank the presentation. """ log.debug('Live = {live}, unblank'.format(live=self.is_live)) self.hide_mode = None if not self.doc: return if not self.is_live: return if not self.activate(): return self.doc.unblank_screen() Registry().execute('live_display_hide', HideMode.Screen)
[docs] def poll(self): if not self.doc: return self.doc.poll_slidenumber(self.is_live, self.hide_mode)
[docs]class MessageListener(object): """ This is the Presentation listener who acts on events from the slide controller and passes the messages on the correct presentation handlers """'Message Listener loaded') def __init__(self, media_item): self._setup(media_item) def _setup(self, media_item): """ Start up code moved out to make mocking easier :param media_item: The plugin media item handing Presentations """ self.controllers = media_item.controllers self.media_item = media_item self.preview_handler = Controller(False) self.live_handler = Controller(True) # messages are sent from core.ui.slidecontroller Registry().register_function('presentations_start', self.startup) Registry().register_function('presentations_stop', self.shutdown) Registry().register_function('presentations_hide', self.hide) Registry().register_function('presentations_first', self.first) Registry().register_function('presentations_previous', self.previous) Registry().register_function('presentations_next', Registry().register_function('presentations_last', self.last) Registry().register_function('presentations_slide', self.slide) Registry().register_function('presentations_blank', self.blank) Registry().register_function('presentations_unblank', self.unblank) self.timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.timer.setInterval(500) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout)
[docs] def startup(self, message): """ Start of new presentation. Save the handler as any new presentations start here """ log.debug('Startup called with message {text}'.format(text=message)) is_live = message[1] item = message[0] hide_mode = message[2] file = item.get_frame_path() self.handler = item.processor # When starting presentation from the servicemanager we convert # PDF/XPS/OXPS-serviceitems into image-serviceitems. When started from the mediamanager # the conversion has already been done at this point. file_type = os.path.splitext(file.lower())[1][1:] if file_type in PDF_CONTROLLER_FILETYPES: log.debug('Converting from pdf/xps/oxps to images for serviceitem with file {name}'.format(name=file)) # Create a copy of the original item, and then clear the original item so it can be filled with images item_cpy = copy.copy(item) item.__init__(None) if is_live: self.media_item.generate_slide_data(item, item_cpy, False, False, ServiceItemContext.Live, file) else: self.media_item.generate_slide_data(item, item_cpy, False, False, ServiceItemContext.Preview, file) # Some of the original serviceitem attributes is needed in the new serviceitem item.footer = item_cpy.footer item.from_service = item_cpy.from_service item.iconic_representation = item_cpy.iconic_representation item.image_border = item_cpy.image_border item.main = item_cpy.main item.theme_data = item_cpy.theme_data # When presenting PDF/XPS/OXPS, we are using the image presentation code, # so handler & processor is set to None, and we skip adding the handler. self.handler = None else: if self.handler == self.media_item.automatic: self.handler = self.media_item.find_controller_by_type(file) if not self.handler: return else: # the saved handler is not present so need to use one based on file suffix. if not self.controllers[self.handler].available: self.handler = self.media_item.find_controller_by_type(file) if not self.handler: return if is_live: controller = self.live_handler else: controller = self.preview_handler # When presenting PDF/XPS/OXPS, we are using the image presentation code, # so handler & processor is set to None, and we skip adding the handler. if self.handler is None: self.controller = controller else: controller.add_handler(self.controllers[self.handler], file, hide_mode, message[3]) self.timer.start()
[docs] def slide(self, message): """ React to the message to move to a specific slide. :param message: The message {1} is_live {2} slide """ is_live = message[1] slide = message[2] if is_live: self.live_handler.slide(slide) else: self.preview_handler.slide(slide)
[docs] def first(self, message): """ React to the message to move to the first slide. :param message: The message {1} is_live """ is_live = message[1] if is_live: self.live_handler.first() else: self.preview_handler.first()
[docs] def last(self, message): """ React to the message to move to the last slide. :param message: The message {1} is_live """ is_live = message[1] if is_live: self.live_handler.last() else: self.preview_handler.last()
[docs] def next(self, message): """ React to the message to move to the next animation/slide. :param message: The message {1} is_live """ is_live = message[1] if is_live: if Settings().value('core/click live slide to unblank'): Registry().execute('slidecontroller_live_unblank') else:
[docs] def previous(self, message): """ React to the message to move to the previous animation/slide. :param message: The message {1} is_live """ is_live = message[1] if is_live: self.live_handler.previous() if Settings().value('core/click live slide to unblank'): Registry().execute('slidecontroller_live_unblank') else: self.preview_handler.previous()
[docs] def shutdown(self, message): """ React to message to shutdown the presentation. I.e. end the show and close the file. :param message: The message {1} is_live """ is_live = message[1] if is_live: self.live_handler.shutdown() self.timer.stop() else: self.preview_handler.shutdown()
[docs] def hide(self, message): """ React to the message to show the desktop. :param message: The message {1} is_live """ is_live = message[1] if is_live: self.live_handler.stop()
[docs] def blank(self, message): """ React to the message to blank the display. :param message: The message {1} is_live {2} slide """ is_live = message[1] hide_mode = message[2] if is_live: self.live_handler.blank(hide_mode)
[docs] def unblank(self, message): """ React to the message to unblank the display. :param message: The message {1} is_live """ is_live = message[1] if is_live: self.live_handler.unblank()
[docs] def timeout(self): """ The presentation may be timed or might be controlled by the application directly, rather than through OpenLP. Poll occasionally to check which slide is currently displayed so the slidecontroller view can be updated. """ self.live_handler.poll()