Source code for openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.songbeamer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection                                      #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright (c) 2008-2017 OpenLP Developers                                   #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it     #
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free  #
# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.                              #
#                                                                             #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or       #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for    #
# more details.                                                               #
#                                                                             #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along     #
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59  #
# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA                          #
The :mod:`songbeamer` module provides the functionality for importing SongBeamer songs into the OpenLP database.
import logging
import os
import re
import base64
import math

from openlp.plugins.songs.lib import VerseType
from openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.songimport import SongImport
from openlp.core.common import Settings, is_win, is_macosx, get_file_encoding

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SongBeamerTypes(object): MarkTypes = { 'refrain': VerseType.tags[VerseType.Chorus], 'chorus': VerseType.tags[VerseType.Chorus], 'vers': VerseType.tags[VerseType.Verse], 'verse': VerseType.tags[VerseType.Verse], 'strophe': VerseType.tags[VerseType.Verse], 'intro': VerseType.tags[VerseType.Intro], 'coda': VerseType.tags[VerseType.Ending], 'ending': VerseType.tags[VerseType.Ending], 'bridge': VerseType.tags[VerseType.Bridge], 'interlude': VerseType.tags[VerseType.Bridge], 'zwischenspiel': VerseType.tags[VerseType.Bridge], 'pre-chorus': VerseType.tags[VerseType.PreChorus], 'pre-refrain': VerseType.tags[VerseType.PreChorus], 'misc': VerseType.tags[VerseType.Other], 'pre-bridge': VerseType.tags[VerseType.Other], 'pre-coda': VerseType.tags[VerseType.Other], 'part': VerseType.tags[VerseType.Other], 'teil': VerseType.tags[VerseType.Other], 'unbekannt': VerseType.tags[VerseType.Other], 'unknown': VerseType.tags[VerseType.Other], 'unbenannt': VerseType.tags[VerseType.Other], '$$m=': VerseType.tags[VerseType.Other] }
[docs]class VerseTagMode(object): Unknown = 0 ContainsTags = 1 ContainsNoTags = 2 ContainsNoTagsRestart = 3
[docs]class SongBeamerImport(SongImport): """ Import Song Beamer files(s). Song Beamer file format is text based in the beginning are one or more control tags written. """ HTML_TAG_PAIRS = [ (re.compile('<b>'), '{st}'), (re.compile('</b>'), '{/st}'), (re.compile('<i>'), '{it}'), (re.compile('</i>'), '{/it}'), (re.compile('<u>'), '{u}'), (re.compile('</u>'), '{/u}'), (re.compile('<p>'), '{p}'), (re.compile('</p>'), '{/p}'), (re.compile('<super>'), '{su}'), (re.compile('</super>'), '{/su}'), (re.compile('<sub>'), '{sb}'), (re.compile('</sub>'), '{/sb}'), (re.compile('<br.*?>'), '{br}'), (re.compile('<[/]?wordwrap>'), ''), (re.compile('<[/]?strike>'), ''), (re.compile('<[/]?h.*?>'), ''), (re.compile('<[/]?s.*?>'), ''), (re.compile('<[/]?linespacing.*?>'), ''), (re.compile('<[/]?c.*?>'), ''), (re.compile('<align.*?>'), ''), (re.compile('<valign.*?>'), '') ] def __init__(self, manager, **kwargs): """ Initialise the Song Beamer importer. """ super(SongBeamerImport, self).__init__(manager, **kwargs)
[docs] def do_import(self): """ Receive a single file or a list of files to import. """ if not isinstance(self.import_source, list): return self.import_wizard.progress_bar.setMaximum(len(self.import_source)) for import_file in self.import_source: # TODO: check that it is a valid SongBeamer file if self.stop_import_flag: return self.set_defaults() self.current_verse = '' self.current_verse_type = VerseType.tags[VerseType.Verse] self.chord_table = None file_name = os.path.split(import_file)[1] if os.path.isfile(import_file): # Detect the encoding self.input_file_encoding = get_file_encoding(import_file)['encoding'] # The encoding should only be ANSI (cp1252), UTF-8, Unicode, Big-Endian-Unicode. # So if it doesn't start with 'u' we default to cp1252. See: # if not self.input_file_encoding.lower().startswith('u'): self.input_file_encoding = 'cp1252' infile = open(import_file, 'rt', encoding=self.input_file_encoding) song_data = infile.readlines() else: continue self.title = file_name.split('.sng')[0] read_verses = False # The first verse separator doesn't count, but the others does, so line count starts at -1 line_number = -1 verse_tags_mode = VerseTagMode.Unknown first_verse = True idx = -1 while idx + 1 < len(song_data): idx = idx + 1 line = song_data[idx].rstrip() stripped_line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#') and not read_verses: self.parse_tags(line) elif stripped_line.startswith('---'): # '---' is a verse breaker if self.current_verse: self.replace_html_tags() self.add_verse(self.current_verse, self.current_verse_type) self.current_verse = '' self.current_verse_type = VerseType.tags[VerseType.Verse] first_verse = False read_verses = True verse_start = True # Songbeamer allows chord on line "-1", meaning the first line has only chords if line_number == -1: first_line = self.insert_chords(line_number, '') if first_line: self.current_verse = first_line.strip() + '\n' line_number += 1 elif stripped_line.startswith('--'): # '--' is a page breaker, we convert to optional page break self.current_verse += '[---]\n' line_number += 1 elif read_verses: if verse_start: verse_start = False verse_mark = self.check_verse_marks(line) # To ensure that linenumbers are mapped correctly when inserting chords, we attempt to detect # if verse tags are inserted manually or by SongBeamer. If they are inserted manually the lines # should be counted, otherwise not. If all verses start with a tag we assume it is inserted by # SongBeamer. if first_verse and verse_tags_mode == VerseTagMode.Unknown: if verse_mark: verse_tags_mode = VerseTagMode.ContainsTags else: verse_tags_mode = VerseTagMode.ContainsNoTags elif verse_tags_mode != VerseTagMode.ContainsNoTagsRestart: if not verse_mark and verse_tags_mode == VerseTagMode.ContainsTags: # A verse mark was expected but not found, which means that verse marks has not been # inserted by songbeamer, but are manually added headings. So restart the loop, and # count tags as lines. self.set_defaults() self.title = file_name.split('.sng')[0] verse_tags_mode = VerseTagMode.ContainsNoTagsRestart read_verses = False # The first verseseparator doesn't count, but the others does, so linecount starts at -1 line_number = -1 first_verse = True idx = -1 continue if not verse_mark: line = self.insert_chords(line_number, line) self.current_verse += line.strip() + '\n' line_number += 1 elif verse_tags_mode in [VerseTagMode.ContainsNoTags, VerseTagMode.ContainsNoTagsRestart]: line_number += 1 else: line = self.insert_chords(line_number, line) self.current_verse += line.strip() + '\n' line_number += 1 if self.current_verse: self.replace_html_tags() self.add_verse(self.current_verse, self.current_verse_type) if not self.finish(): self.log_error(import_file)
[docs] def insert_chords(self, line_number, line): """ Insert chords into text if any exists and chords import is enabled :param linenumber: Number of the current line :param line: The line of lyrics to insert chords """ if self.chord_table and Settings().value('songs/enable chords') and not Settings().value( 'songs/disable chords import') and line_number in self.chord_table: line_idx = sorted(self.chord_table[line_number].keys(), reverse=True) for idx in line_idx: # In SongBeamer the column position of the chord can be a decimal, we just round it up. int_idx = int(math.ceil(idx)) if int_idx < 0: int_idx = 0 elif int_idx > len(line): # If a chord is placed beyond the current end of the line, extend the line with spaces. line += ' ' * (int_idx - len(line)) chord = self.chord_table[line_number][idx] chord = chord.replace('<', '♭') line = line[:int_idx] + '[' + chord + ']' + line[int_idx:] return line
[docs] def replace_html_tags(self): """ This can be called to replace SongBeamer's specific (html) tags with OpenLP's specific (html) tags. """ for pair in SongBeamerImport.HTML_TAG_PAIRS: self.current_verse = pair[0].sub(pair[1], self.current_verse)
[docs] def parse_tags(self, line): """ Parses a meta data line. :param line: The line in the file. It should consist of a tag and a value for this tag (unicode):: '#Title=Nearer my God to Thee' """ tag_val = line.split('=', 1) if len(tag_val) == 1: return if not tag_val[0] or not tag_val[1]: return if tag_val[0] == '#(c)': self.add_copyright(tag_val[1]) elif tag_val[0] == '#AddCopyrightInfo': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#AudioFile': self.parse_audio_file(tag_val[1]) elif tag_val[0] == '#Author': self.parse_author(tag_val[1], 'words') elif tag_val[0] == '#BackgroundImage': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#Bible': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#Categories': self.topics = tag_val[1].split(',') elif tag_val[0] == '#CCLI': self.ccli_number = tag_val[1] elif tag_val[0] == '#Chords': self.chord_table = self.parse_chords(tag_val[1]) elif tag_val[0] == '#ChurchSongID': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#ColorChords': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#Comments': try: self.comments = base64.b64decode(tag_val[1]).decode(self.input_file_encoding) except ValueError: self.comments = tag_val[1] elif tag_val[0] == '#Editor': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#Font': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#FontLang2': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#FontSize': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#Format': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#Format_PreLine': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#Format_PrePage': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#ID': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#Key': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#Keywords': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#LangCount': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#Melody': self.parse_author(tag_val[1], 'music') elif tag_val[0] == '#NatCopyright': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#OTitle': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#OutlineColor': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#OutlinedFont': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#QuickFind': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#Rights': song_book_pub = tag_val[1] elif tag_val[0] == '#Songbook' or tag_val[0] == '#SongBook': book_data = tag_val[1].split('/') self.song_book_name = book_data[0].strip() if len(book_data) == 2: number = book_data[1].strip() self.song_number = number if number.isdigit() else '' elif tag_val[0] == '#Speed': pass elif tag_val[0] == 'Tempo': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#TextAlign': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#Title': self.title = tag_val[1].strip() elif tag_val[0] == '#TitleAlign': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#TitleFontSize': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#TitleLang2': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#TitleLang3': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#TitleLang4': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#Translation': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#Transpose': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#TransposeAccidental': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#Version': pass elif tag_val[0] == '#VerseOrder': verse_order = tag_val[1].strip() for verse_mark in verse_order.split(','): new_verse_mark = self.convert_verse_marks(verse_mark) if new_verse_mark: self.verse_order_list.append(new_verse_mark)
[docs] def check_verse_marks(self, line): """ Check and add the verse's MarkType. Returns ``True`` if the given line contains a correct verse mark otherwise ``False``. :param line: The line to check for marks. """ new_verse_mark = self.convert_verse_marks(line) if new_verse_mark: self.current_verse_type = new_verse_mark return True return False
[docs] def convert_verse_marks(self, line): """ Convert the verse's MarkType. Returns the OpenLP versemark if the given line contains a correct SongBeamer verse mark otherwise ``None``. :param line: The line to check for marks. """ new_verse_mark = None marks = line.split(' ') if len(marks) <= 2 and marks[0].lower() in SongBeamerTypes.MarkTypes: new_verse_mark = SongBeamerTypes.MarkTypes[marks[0].lower()] if len(marks) == 2: # If we have a digit, we append it to the converted verse mark if marks[1].isdigit(): new_verse_mark += marks[1] elif marks[0].lower().startswith('$$m='): # this verse-mark cannot be numbered new_verse_mark = SongBeamerTypes.MarkTypes['$$m='] return new_verse_mark
[docs] def parse_chords(self, chords): """ Parse chords. The chords are in a base64 encode string. The decoded string is an index of chord placement separated by "\r", like this: "<linecolumn>,<linenumber>,<chord>\r" :param chords: Chords in a base64 encoded string """ chord_list = base64.b64decode(chords).decode(self.input_file_encoding).split('\r') chord_table = {} for chord_index in chord_list: if not chord_index: continue [col_str, line_str, chord] = chord_index.split(',') col = float(col_str) line = int(line_str) if line not in chord_table: chord_table[line] = {} chord_table[line][col] = chord return chord_table
[docs] def parse_audio_file(self, audio_file_path): """ Parse audio file. The path is relative to the SongsBeamer Songs folder. :param audio_file_path: Path to the audio file """ # The path is relative to SongBeamers Song folder if is_win(): user_doc_folder = os.path.expandvars('$DOCUMENTS') elif is_macosx(): user_doc_folder = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Documents') else: # SongBeamer only runs on mac and win... return audio_file_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(user_doc_folder, 'SongBeamer', 'Songs', audio_file_path)) if os.path.isfile(audio_file_path): self.add_media_file(audio_file_path) else: log.debug('Could not import mediafile "%s" since it does not exists!' % audio_file_path)